No-Till Flowers: A Podcast for Flower Farmers

No-Till Flowers is a brand new podcast for flower farmers launching next week on Wednesday, December 23rd!   I’ve been writing about no-till/regenerative/organic flower farming here on the blog for many years now.  Over the summer in 2020, Farmer Jesse at No-Till Growers Podcast (my fav podcast!) interviewed me on the subject of living pathways.  From that fun conversation stemmed this idea that maybe a no-till podcast for flowers farmer specifically would be a great niche to fill.  Farmer Jesse asked me if I’d like to take on the project under the umbrella of No-Till Growers, to which I immediately said “Yes!”.

No-Till Flowers Podcast: A Podcast for Flower Farmers

In the grand scheme of things, I’m a relative babe in the woods when it comes to no-till farming.  I first started using no-till systems in 2018 out of desperation and with only a little hurried research.  Since then I’ve been consuming as much information as possible through books, podcasts, and regenerative ag conferences.  And I’ve been experimenting a lot and making observations at my farm over the past three growing seasons to see what’s working and what’s not.

I still have a lot of questions though!  Any good farmer keeps a sense of wonder, curiosity and frank skepticism throughout their years of growing in order to adapt to the constant change that is involved in nurturing crops and soil.  I think I’d be really freaked out if I came to a point in my farming journey where I thought I had all the answers and had mastered all the moving parts!!  In reality, I’ve made a lot of blunders in my farming career and didn’t dig into a particular topic/approach enough before I implemented it.  Because I have so many questions still in particular about no-till and regenerative practices, a podcast for flower farmers seemed like a great avenue for asking my questions in a format that can be recorded and shared with other curious souls.  

No-Till Flowers Podcast: A Podcast for Flower Farmers | No-Till Lisianthus Growing at Love n Fresh Flowers

So what topics is this new podcast for flower farmers going to cover?  Well, it’s definitely not just about no-till methods.  For instance, during one episode I get giddy with Tony at Bare Mountain Farm about Korean Natural Farming (KNF) and JADAM applications.  In another episode, I have a fun with Laura Beth from Butterbee Farm about compliment sandwiches served up while managing her farm crew. Mimo Davis from Urban Buds and I talk about reclaiming urban lots for growing flowers.  I ask farm coach extraordinaire Ellen Polishuk why she dislikes that small scale growers have adopted the term “no-till” so enthusiastically, given its historical context in Big Ag.  There’ll also be conversations with other guests through the season about growing in windy locations with sandy soil; keeping your spirits and soil up during severe multi-year drought, how biodynamics can be used on flower crops, planting with the moon cycles, no-till growing in super cold zones, and much more!  

Make sure to tune in!  And please leave me your no-till and other regenerative farming questions below so I can try to incorporate them in this podcast for flower farmers!  I want to get YOUR questions answered too!  

No-Till Flowers Podcast: A Podcast for Flower Farmers | Looking through rye cover crop at overwintered no-dig dahlias and a no-till hoop house full of spring flowers at Love n Fresh Flowers