Backyard Bouquets {10.9.14}

Backyard Bouquets {10.9.14}

This week brought our first real scare of frost. Two mornings in the 30s in the field and reports from growers even South of us who lost their tender crops served to drive my anxiety levels to the top of the scale. Fortunately, our urban heat bubble created just...
Backyard Bouquets {10.2.14}

Backyard Bouquets {10.2.14}

I really meant to make a design this week without dahlias. I wanted to challenge myself to not use them, given how they are always the focal flower in autumn arrangements here at Love ‘n Fresh. I wanted to spice things up a bit! I had plans to use one of our...
Backyard Bouquets {9.25.14}

Backyard Bouquets {9.25.14}

Eleven wedding in two weeks. I am finally forced to “cheat” at this Backyard Bouquets game and post a design I didn’t craft just for the pure sake of creative fun. This was a centerpiece from one of last week’s weddings, moonlighting in the...
Backyard Bouquets {9.18.14}

Backyard Bouquets {9.18.14}

Hi. I’m Jennie. I have an addiction to dahlias, twilight, and stacks of pallets. I really want to change. But it feels so good. What’s blooming in your backyard this week? Feel free to add a link to your own Backyard Bouquets in the comments section below. If...
Backyard Bouquets {9.11.14}

Backyard Bouquets {9.11.14}

Today was definitely a day for pondering. Thirteen years ago, I was sitting in a high-rise office building in downtown Philadelphia. My co-workers and I watched the television screens in the conference room in horror as the tenuous and presumed safety of our modern...
Backyard Bouquets {9.4.14}

Backyard Bouquets {9.4.14}

Continuing on the theme from last week, I thought I’d try another design that was in the same container and similar colors to one that I did earlier in the season to demonstrate that it’s not about the specific flowers so much as it is about the color...