This week brought our first real scare of frost. Two mornings in the 30s in the field and reports from growers even South of us who lost their tender crops served to drive my anxiety levels to the top of the scale. Fortunately, our urban heat bubble created just enough of a buffer this time around to side-step the frost for at least a few more days. Maybe even weeks. A weary farmer florist who needs her precious dahlias can only hope for weeks.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
But the dip in the temperature means a rise in the color in the field. It’s the swan song of the season. All the flowers seem desperate to put on their best show before their demise. The hues are so saturated now, even a zinnia can take your breath away. Of course I didn’t bother to use any zinnias in this design to illustrate that point. Oh well.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
As always, the dahlias are happiest in this very brief window between growing and dying. It’s intensely poetic. I receive my greatest inspiration this time of year because of them. A huge grin is on my face as we harvest in the cool dampness of the autumn mornings, bathed in golden light, arms heavy with arching stems and broad blooms. Diana said to me this morning, “You’re so happy today!” I just grinned some more.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
How can you not be happy at the end of a long and productive season, surround be the most beautiful blooms of all, and on the threshold of a much-needed long rest? Especially when there’s a clear blue sky overhead and a brisk breeze to cool your sun-baked shoulders. Autumn is truly magic. I am always so grateful for it.
During my early years as a grower, I would fight the swift swirl of emotions that this time of year brings…anxiety, sadness, happiness, reflection, dreaming, regretting, gratitude, frustration… missing out on simply savoring a beautiful season. But I’ve finally come to realize that same emotional swirl will happen every season, no matter how good or how bad it may have been. I can now settle into the emotion and not chastise myself for feeling one way or another. I just let it be.
Frost comes whether you worry or you rejoice.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
What’s blooming in your backyard this week? Feel free to add a link to your own Backyard Bouquets in the comments section below. If you are on Instagram, be sure to use the hashtag #backyardbouquets to join in the fun. I’d love to see what everyone is growing and creating!
The only “rule” is that all the elements in the arrangement must be sourced locally, within a 25 mile radius. Your own backyard is a great place to start!!
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
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