Silver Linings

Silver Linings

A teacher I know recently said to reassure her students stuck at home, “We get to do something that has never been done before. How cool is that?!”  Now that’s a master of silver linings right there, a skill I deeply admire!  I’ve been trying to spot silver lining...
A Flowers and Farming Podcast Playlist

A Flowers and Farming Podcast Playlist

I was recently asked to provide a list of some of my favorite podcasts for members of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (ASCFG).  In making the list, I thought it would be good to share this flowers and farming podcast playlist with anyone who is feeling...
Crop Profile: Foxgloves

Crop Profile: Foxgloves

Crop Profile:  Foxgloves Foxgloves, or Digitalis, are one of my favorite flowers to grow at our flower farm in Philadelphia.  Reminiscent of adorable fairy hats, they’re easy to grow from seed, highly productive, repeat bloom during the summer, and usually bloom...