Hellebore Harvesting How-To

Hellebore Harvesting How-To

Hellebores are all the rage right now in floral design. Of course they are, given they’re one of the first flowers to bloom each spring, often even before the snow is melted and while we’re all still so desperate for some color in our lives. Their nodding...
A Day with Ariella Chezar

A Day with Ariella Chezar

If you’re lucky, a few times in your life you’ll have a day (or maybe two) every now and then that are truly remarkable. The kind of day that you sort of can’t believe is really happening as it unfolds. It’s just too good to be true. You nearly...
Extras:  Seasonal Bouquet Project

Extras: Seasonal Bouquet Project

It continues to be incredibly cold and gray here in Philadelphia. By my notes, at this point we’re five weeks behind in blooms from what we were last season at this time. Granted, last year was also a freak year that was entirely too warm, and we were three...
Easter Pop-Up Shop

Easter Pop-Up Shop

I’m excited to announce our first-ever pop-up shop! Love ‘n Fresh was invited by the new management of MARKET at the Fareway {formerly the indoor Chestnut Hill Farmers Market} to set up a temporary flower shop for Easter. We’ll be at MARKET on...