Mastering the Wildflower Look Workshop

Mastering the Wildflower Look Workshop

I was so excited to teach this workshop in early July. It filled up quickly with lots of great designers from all over the country, designers anxious to get more of an understanding about how to design with locally-grown flowers in that loose organic style that is the...

Farmer Philosopher

Discouragement is an ugly feeling. I try to avoid it. I’m pretty damn good at finding the silver lining in just about anything. But sometimes I get tired and cranky, and the proverbial clouds roll in. It happens almost every year in the long exhausting days of...
Extras :: The Seasonal Bouquet Project

Extras :: The Seasonal Bouquet Project

Possibly my favorite design I have ever made. Enough said. Okay, just a bit more on this design. It’s been so hot and humid here as of late and the field is FULL of bright summer color everywhere. And yet, all I want is a little cool and calm during these long...
Summer Jam Session Workshop :: Flower Child

Summer Jam Session Workshop :: Flower Child

It was one of those magical summer evenings where the day had been warm, but the air cooled as the sun lowered in the sky. The light was soft and glowing. The birds were signing up a storm. The flowers were nodding happily in a whisper of a breeze. And the company in...
Extras :: The Seasonal Bouquet Project

Extras :: The Seasonal Bouquet Project

Can you believe it’s July?! I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. It’s been raining so much here — every day another inch or three — that it feels like the farm is suddenly in the tropics. The flowers are not terribly happy...