Backyard Bouquets {9.11.14}

Backyard Bouquets {9.11.14}

Today was definitely a day for pondering. Thirteen years ago, I was sitting in a high-rise office building in downtown Philadelphia. My co-workers and I watched the television screens in the conference room in horror as the tenuous and presumed safety of our modern...
Backyard Bouquets {9.4.14}

Backyard Bouquets {9.4.14}

Continuing on the theme from last week, I thought I’d try another design that was in the same container and similar colors to one that I did earlier in the season to demonstrate that it’s not about the specific flowers so much as it is about the color...
Backyard Bouquets {8.28.14}

Backyard Bouquets {8.28.14}

It’s safe to call it now: dahlia season is here in earnest! For better or for worse, every Backyard Bouquet for the rest of the season is going to feature dahlias. Can’t be helped. While I’ve historically been most drawn to the big, dramatic...
Backyard Bouquets {8.21.14}

Backyard Bouquets {8.21.14}

I know this person who really loves a good cup of afternoon tea. She’s got a super bright and cheery personality too. So this week’s Backyard Bouquet is really for her. But you all can enjoy it too! Hope it brings a bright spot to your day! In this...