I am trying to avoid cliches. But every starting sentence that comes to mind for this long-overdue blog post is just that — cliche. “Oh, where did the summer go. So sorry I am so deficient at blogging. The emotions of autumn are surging once again.” Etcetera, etcetera. Maybe I’ve just been at this long enough now to have written pretty much every cliche post in each of the respective seasons. Time to dive deeper? But I rather dislike brooding introspective blogs. Sigh.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
So a quick summary instead to accompany this singular Backyard Bouquets installment for the entire summer! Despite a brutally hot and dry summer and our farm’s well running dry at one point, the fields were their most productive ever. I dare say I’ve finally mastered the daunting science of succession sowing. Woot woot! Our weddings this summer were some of the best yet, and I am loving the direction our farm and studio are taking. We had a couple really important photo/film shoots at the farm in August. I’m anxious to share those with you, all in due time.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
Our miracle ducklings are now full grown and have the run of the place. Our stray cat, Leo, who appeared to be on death’s doorstep when he adopted us in June is now the healthiest and happiest cat I’ve ever met. He adores flowers in the most uncanny way and is our constant companion throughout the field as we harvest. And, yes, the ducks and Leo rather enjoy each others’ company. I have this dream of them all cuddling together by the time snowy winter comes around.
Leo at Love 'n Fresh Flowers
The field hummed all summer with the most abundant insect life I’ve seen there yet. The farm is clearly now an official stop along many butterfly species’ migration routes. Hundreds of swallowtails, monarchs, painted ladies, gray hairstreaks, checkerspots, and more. Not to mention the hoards of bees and hummingbirds. The air nearly vibrates with all those beating wings!! It brings me tremendous joy.
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
This season has seen an incredible personal shift for me too. And, in fact, for many of the incredible women on our team. I need to sit down and write a blog post about that specifically at some point once the more restful days of winter come. The short and the sweet of it is that we’ve found unexpected courage, faith, and — that holy grail — balance in life through the work we do together among the flowers. It’s kind of exciting!
signature just jennie