This edition of The Bulletin is going to be some link love for the small business owners out there. I’ve recently stumbled on some great articles and tools to help with streamlining workflow. As my business has grown rapidly, I’m finding myself having to quickly learn to delegate tasks I thought I would never give up doing myself because they seem so important or possibly tricky to show someone else how to do. Turns out, “systems” were my answer. Thanks to some really kickass bloggers, I’ve learned a lot about creating and implementing systems for my business recently. I’m excited to see where they take Love ‘n Fresh and to also {hopefully, fingers crossed!} get some more balance in my own life.
Who doesn’t love at Choose Your Own Adventure book? Take this online business “choose your own adventure” by Cash & Joy to get some insight into how your business is going and how it can move forward. It’s so much fun!
Kudos to Michelle at Bombchelle for an awesome article on Design*Sponge that got me rolling on all this “systems” making and thinking. I signed up for her Systems 101 freebie e-course and devoured it on one sitting.
And have you seen this article in Flying Kite about my mad social media skillz? Okay, I’m not all that awesome, but it is good food-for-thought for both farmers and small business owners. I’m now making systems to help me streamline social media tasks. Sweet!
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