Spring is supposedly here. Some days — like today — it’s hard to tell. We’re teetering on the edge of May and our nights are still dipping down into the 30s on occasion and some days we barely get up in to the 40s. Of course there’s still been the occasional stunning blue-skied spring day though to coax the flowers along. Our blooms are a full month behind their average bloom cycles. For instance, last year we had all our tulips picked by early April. This year we’ve just started picking and will have them through at least the first week or two of May. Same with the narcissus. That’s pretty much unheard of around here!

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Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Despite the cold — or perhaps because of — the flowers that are blooming are rarefied in their beauty. The colors are crystal clear and glowing. The anemones and ranunculus, which would normally be fizzling out now, are going gangbusters and easily topping 24″, some even 28″! For those not in the know, that’s a mighty tall stem for those two blooms. The chill in the air makes them happy, even if it frustrates me.

Photo Apr 12, 4 26 05 PM

Photo Apr 28, 1 05 11 PM
Photo Apr 12, 12 08 28 PM

It’s been a busy spring already for weddings, workshops, and other events. I’m decidedly enjoying myself and loving seeing so many people delight in our flowers and farm. Our next workshop is just a few days away and I can’t wait to have a new batch of students in our charming harvest shed and fields!

Workshop participants at Love 'n Fresh Flowers

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Photo Apr 26, 12 07 42 PM

Photo Apr 26, 12 13 15 PM

Oh, and how could I almost forget our ducks!! I need to write a post dedicated just to them, but they’ve been a key ingredient in making this spring stand out from the others. I’ve raised a lot of animals in my life, but none have been quite like these charming and chatty webbed babies. Our four Khaki Campbells have grown like weeds and are immensely amusing to have around. More on how we’ve hand-reared them and why we have them in another blog post on another rainy day soon. In the meantime, they have their own hashtag, ’cause they’re cool like that. #flowerfowlfix Follow along on Instagram!

Ducks at Love 'n Fresh Flowers

Ducks at Love 'n Fresh Flowers

Ducks at Love 'n Fresh Flowers