And So It Goes

And So It Goes

  A few hours with the tractor yesterday and the highs and lows of this season are now nothing but a memory. What remains is an earthy blank slate for next year. The potential is palpable and yet so tenuous, like gossamer. There should be relief and rest right about...
Ten Favorite Mum Varieties for Cutting

Ten Favorite Mum Varieties for Cutting

The chrysanthemum has long been admired as a bloom of much significance in several cultures, particularly their native homeland, China. It is a genus with amazing diversity, both in blooms and uses. These unique plants are equally useful in the kitchen (teas, soups,...
Gentleman Farmer Inspiration Shoot at Wyck Gardens

Gentleman Farmer Inspiration Shoot at Wyck Gardens

Photo shoots are almost always fun. This particular shoot was extra enjoyable for me because it involved one of my favorite photography duos (Amanda and Carina), and it was at one of my favorite hidden historical gems in Philadelphia. ALL PHOTOS IN THIS POST WERE...
Seasonal Bouquet Project :: Extras

Seasonal Bouquet Project :: Extras

This week’s design for The Seasonal Bouquet Project was certainly no masterpiece. There were no magnificent mechanics to support an elaborate and artistic arrangement. No grand swoops or arcs. Just a simple mason jar full of my favorite flowers that I arranged...